
Anyone from Melbourne who reads this: a humble apology. Yes, I was meant to be in Melbourne today. Due to an error in the first email that was sent out, I read and therefore assumed* (there’s that lovely word) that the PDF: Beyond the Basics event was scheduled for Thursday. It wasn’t. I am in error. Thankfully, we can still hold the event on Thursday 12th December at the Holiday Inn. If you were caught up in this confusion and have been inconvenienced, please email me.

*assume - 1436, "to receive up into heaven" (especially of the Virgin Mary), from L. assumere "to take up," from ad- "to, up" + sumere "to take." Early pp. was assumpt. Meaning "to suppose" is first recorded 1598. In rhetorical usage, assume expresses what the assumer postulates, often as a confessed hypothesis; presume expresses what the presumer really believes. From Online Etymology Dictionary

This is getting scary. Now there are Starbucks appearing overnight. Corner of Miller St and Pacific Hwy North Sydney, near the office in Westfield Chatswood and York St in the city near Wynyard. According to their web site, there are 36 stores in Australia. Surprisingly, they’ve invaded the heart of high quality Italian-Australian coffee – Lygon Street in Carlton Melbourne. Even the smallest storefront in Australia already serves great coffee – why are they bothering? Who wants to pollute their caffeine in hot water with cinnamon?