The blogging platform history of Mungenet:
Version 1.0: self-coded Userland Frontier, version 2.0: Radio Userland, version 3.0:, version 4.0: (self coded) mungenetengine.
Today, I’ve moved onto platform version 5.0: WordPress
Rather than re-coding a blogging engine to take into account all the Web 2.0 re/write hotness – moving to WordPress was a part-time project over the space of a week. Based on PHP, writing a plugin, import module and modifying the theme was a relatively easy project. WordPress is like a Lego base plate (or platform) from which a new mungenet may emerge.
The bulk of the content on remains in the self-coded mungenetengine; and thanks to Apache mod_rewrite, CSS and some other small PHP smarts – WordPress has snapped into place.