CQ + PQ + EQ > IQ

hepburnsprings 004

Laurel Papworth has some interesting comments on generation-Y (digi-kids) and the disconnected nature of our current governments. Laurel’s post references this article in the Sydney Morning Herald (Laurel: the reason why Fairfax doesn’t believe in the long tail is that it hasn’t worked out its business model yet)

Having spent two days with a selection of passionate Victorian School Principals, I am more concerned about our Governmental policies and the silent digital majority than those on the ground in the classroom.

The YouTube presentation at the beginning of her post puts stark numbers on the story from The World Is Flat.

Thomas Friedman was in Australia a few weeks ago, and spent time with both sides of Australian Federal Politics. I hope he was able to talk and explain that Education and Bandwidth are critical to the future of this nation. If being a Nation is that important anymore.

I am going to extend Thomas’ equation:

CQ + PQ + EQ > IQ

EQ is emotional quotient, emotional intelligence or emotional maturity. You cannot teach EQ from books. Passionate Teachers provide a role model for our kids for the future.

Let’s hope the generation after us repairs the mistakes we’ve made.

One thought on “CQ + PQ + EQ > IQ”

  1. Wow it was hard to stop this page from diverting – it keeps asking me to install Silverlight. I just want to read…

    Yeah I know about Fairfax; I’ve written about them and their strategy a few times. BTW if you have a link to Frank A’s articles in AFR can you email ’em to me? I think they may have gone now, long tail issue again, and we need them for the Save Frank on Wikipedia campaign.

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