A surprise in InDesign 2.0, InDesign CS and InDesign CS2.

Wow, again!

InDesign CS2: [2147] InDesign CS2 About Box...

Thanks to the product management team, I made it for the third time running. You’ll find my name in the InDesign CS2 about box, too. Way cool. An honour. Again

InDesign CS:
[1567] I have arrived at adobe, again!

Sometimes, its the little things…

[991] I have arrived at adobe!

A goal of mine whilst working at Adobe has been to get my name in the ‘About box’ of an application. Its sorta like the credits you see at the end of movies.

In one sense, this is easy to do. Just ask a product manager or engineer to place your name there. However, these seem to be controlled to (rightly) only include those who actually contribute something to the development of the application, and adds input to its direction (even in a little way).

The difficult part is adding your input to an application. Programs such as Photoshop which have deep features and strong user community are difficult to get any significant input that would warrant an inclusion in the about box. Suffice to say, there are much smarter people than me who have their hands on the Photoshop tiller.

InDesign, however, is a relatively new application that needs strong input from our customers to influence its direction. Thanks to a good friend on the inside, the local Adobe office has been assisting the InDesign team to ensure that it meets local requirements and customer requests as much as possible. There are features in InDesign 2.0 that are a direct result of local customer feedback. This makes me proud of the application

After a little nudge, I’ve managed to ensure that my name goes down in a little piece of history. To anyone that has suggested InDesign 2.0 features to me: this is all thanks to you

Nick, December 2001