On Being Disconnected from the Twitter Hive-Mind

For various reasons: some in my control, and many out of my control: I just decided to stop twittering for a week. Turned off any interruption based service: Live Messenger, Office Communicator 2007. Even restricting the outgoing emails.

A couple of days sick where I virtually disconnected. Then I went to Adelaide to visit the family. Friday and Monday I took as vacation and purposely left the phone on silent, and laptop in Sydney.

The hive mind still bubbled along. Emails went back and forth. People reached out to ensure I was OK. The world moved on.

It has only been the last hour or so that I’ve jumped back onto twitter.

I missed everyone. The friends, the collective thoughts. I didn’t die, but it’s good to be back. Virtually.

After the current MIX on Campus tour, the rest of 2007 will be spent absorbing learning. Skill up, not dumb down.

Let’s go!