Bypass the Bureaucracy, Subvert the Hierarchy Comrades!

According to the ABC, semi-autonomous Federal Government agencies must clear their media releases with the Department of Prime Minister before releasing.

Stated Mark Paterson on ABC AM this morning, the secretary of the Department of Innovation, Industry Science and Research:

"The essence of the message was that the Government wanted to ensure a degree of consistency in message on key messages and therefore wanted to clear key messages through the Prime Minister’s office."

Shades of Yes, Minister in the above. What a giggle.

Just blog it, agencies. Bypass the Bureaucracy, Subvert the Hierarchy Comrades!

3 thoughts on “Bypass the Bureaucracy, Subvert the Hierarchy Comrades!”

  1. Hearing Mark Patterson this morning was interesting. Having met him a few times, and knowing he’s one of the few Secretaries to have ever come to the role from business rather than the public sector, I was surprised. He doesn’t usually dance like he did today, he’s usually a straight shooter.

  2. As an employee of one of the agencies mentioned above: this is really no different to the regime under the previous government. Except for one thing: now, it’s actually declared as such.

    Having said that, it’s still farcical; for all the bluff and bluster that we’re there to serve a specific purpose, that purpose was never meant to be political. Yes, we take a fair chunk of our money from the taxpayer. However the taxpayer doesn’t as a rule expect us to use that for purposes that support politicians; if any return on “investment” is required, it’s of a research nature.

    Still, politicians will be politicians…

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