Cannot walk on right foot as where the tendons attach to the back of the heel is mega inflamed. Doctor says anti-inflammatory drugs, raised leg and warm compress. No walking or stress on the foot.
The kittehs think I am just bone lazy not getting them their fuds, but are liking the warm compress and think this is exclusively for their use.
Good news is that in this modern world of intarwebs and computers, I can work from home. And I will live, too.
my poor babykitteh
Thanks for inferring that this pic was in fact not an NSFW item 😉 I had a moment of panic when I opened G Reader 😉
‘Hope you’re “back on your feet” soon 🙂
Day 4 report: I can hobble around the house. The kittehs think I am being funny.
mcohen, don’t encourage him, if taken quite the linking to having 2 cubicles all to myself.