3 thoughts on “When Insurance Companies Go Bad”

  1. I agree. I think it is worse that just the big companies. There are too many times when I find that businesses large and small dont really care about the service they give, nor do they actually care about their customers.

    There is no such thing as “going the extra mile” anymore and no-one will take responsibility for handling a call that they get to make sure the customer gets what they need. My philosophy is that even though you pickup the call and it turns out that it isnt your area to deal with the customers particular issue, you should do the following:
    -capture as much detail as possible about the customer and their issue
    -attempt to get the customer put through to the right place and try to find the correct person yourself.
    -followup later with the customer to make sure they got what they want.
    -Keep following up until the customer tells you it isnt neccessary any more. (hopefully your company solved the problem)
    -be a true advocate for the customer.

    I have a recent experience with Epson which really got me angry. I might write it up a little later.

    I’m very passionate about customer service and have always operated as I have described above. It might take time out of your day, but your customers will be happy, they might even say something nice to your boss, and the customer will keep coming back for more.

    Simple really.

    Steve B!

  2. On the flip side, this is what I have been saying is the very reason why small companies really can compete against the Walmart behemoth types that come and invade.

    Personalised service and the feeling that somebody actually gives a care.

    Even just being acknowledged with a friendly ‘hello’ when you make a repeat visit to a business can make all the difference.

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