Transparent 40% Time

desk geek

As my Microsoft job subtlety changes at the beginning of July, it is self-development time!

Next year involves more cycles devoted to development ‘themes’. A change that I am

Following sage twitter advice from Christy Dena, the diary is locked and loaded. Every Monday and Friday are hard allocated to self-development.

Self-development relies on self-control.

To aid the tempation of twitter, email, rss feeds, weewar, TV, cats and general outside interruptions: I am a stickler for not misappropriating this 40% time. Secondly, there will be a blog/wiki post that will detail the daily activities. 40% time full transparency.

The general themes:

  • Windows Server 2008 as Web Development/Web Host backend
  • SQLServer 2005/8 as datastore
  • C#
  • HTML/Ajax/Silverlight
  • DLR; IronPython and IronRuby

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