1968 is the year where the summer of love turned into the year of protest, riots and an escalation in world tension.
World events of 40 years ago seem obscure today. The fear of rising communism, increasing multiculturalism, and general chaos as a new younger generation struggled against older strictures and structures.
Some events seem similar, with names changed: US Presidents squeezed between domestic tension and international ego and guerrilla warfare stagnating into needlessly killing. The Tet Offensive, the pivotal point of the Vietnam war, was fought in 1968.
France during May of 1968 witnessed protests and riots as an authoritarian de Gaulle combated both the left wing movement, and a younger generation demanding radical change.
In the midst of this turbulent month, in this pivotal year, I was born.
Thanks Mum and Dad. I wouldn’t be dead for quids.
Heh. Ditto me in March.
I always imagine us 1968 bubs as the little urchins that the hippy mums were carrying around and tried to raise with such promise of change. We were born from very conservative times, but we are also the babies that people wished for so that the world could be filled with love and flowers and peace.
I don’t really think we 1968 bubs have fulfilled that promise, but as I turned 40, I wondered whether maybe a bit of that hope has permeated us.
Anyhow, happy birthday. I’m amazed that 40 feels so young. I remember at 25 pitying my friend, who had just turned 40, for getting so old that she was about to start falling to pieces.
Happy Birthday Nick! Have a nice day and birthday dinner!
Seems strangely appropriate that you were born and this particular month of that revolutionary year. Happy birthday 🙂
40 eh? Wow. Congrats!
I was curious to read your blog post since 1968 was very significant year in our Czechoslovakian history (invasion of Warshaw Pact army forces into my homeland)….and was really surprised to find out why is it so important for you so: VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NICK!!! Have one Foster beer on me!;-)
” our pleasure “