Rollingstone on the #gfc

The Big TakeoverThe global economic crisis isn’t about money – it’s about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution. by Matt Taibbi is a clear description of where the US Financial system finds itself. The first sentence of the article sums it nicely.

It is my strong opinion that more debt, more bad lending is a short term answer. Crawling out of the mud of the Great Recession will leave none clean and will not happen quickly.

One thought on “Rollingstone on the #gfc”

  1. G’day Nick. This is not in regard to the #gfc, but around about the ides of March, I started receiving Script errors from a file on your blog. It is Script error is on line 53 character 3 probably in the Javascript file associated with the home page. It is saying “Object required”.

    I use IE8 version 8.0.6001.18702 and the dialog appears when I close the tab. I hit the escape key a dozen or so times before the dialog dissapears and the tab closes. Pressing Yes or No on the dialog box to continue checking Script errors does nothing.

    I tried it on FireFox 3.0 once and it didn’t give an error but that is not definitive.

    I was also getting a similar error on Stilgherrian’s site for a while but not recently. Darn WordPress!

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