
Watched Dambusters, a movie of the true story of 617 Squadron during World War 2. When you realise that the leader of the squadron during the war, Wing Cmdr Guy Gibson, was in his mid 20’s (and sadly died later in the war) – and over fifty brave men died on this mission – it makes you realise that the generations before us paid a significant price for our freedom and way of life. The most surprising revelation is how many of those who died in this squadron were Australians.

InDesign: Duotones into InDesign

This has been in my head for a while: InDesign 2.0: Photoshop, Duotones into InDesign

In my time I have seen various ‘complaints’ that Adobe does not publish the specifications for the PDF (Portable Document Format) in a timely fashion – thereby gaining market advantage. Well, the Draft PDF Reference, Version 1.5 is available before Acrobat 6.0 ships! Whilst this is a Draft version, and subject to change, it does go to show that we are a friendlier company than some people claim.

Now, at 1107 pages in length – its not going to be a read for all of us!