- The home matters.
- Weigh less again at the end of 2008. Improve on 2007 results.
- Geeks Who Care matters.
There is something in Cameron Reilly’s initiative. If all this technology does wonderful stuff, and we geeks are the mavens: where are the so-called benefits? Politicans should care less about censorship and control, and more about what they can do to make life better. - Think simple. Be social. Uncomplexify and connect. Use the technology at hand. Find and spread info about the good stuff, ignore and don’t sweat the bad stuff.
Category: 2008
Reviewing 2007
Goodbye, and good luck 2007.
Reviewing 2007, there were 4 resolutions/tasks to complete:
- Take family back to Japan, this time getting out of Tokyo (geek out in Blade Runner 2007 not 2019)
- Weigh less in December 2007 vs now (eat better)
- Refind my geek roots
- Write more interesting, technical articles on this blog (become less boring)
Point by point in review:
- Completed
- Lost 7kgs through the year, and as much as 8kgs. Lost 5cm from waist line.
- Well, joining Microsoft as a Professional Geek and the incredible journey has been cathartic/eye opening/learning rollercoaster. Loving it
- More technical articles. 2007 was about posting. Learning video techniques. Over 5000 on twitter alone. Maybe 2008 will be more geeky/technical?
In hindsight, I’ve loved 2007. The people I’ve met, befriended, worked with, learnt from have saved my mental state: and given me unspoken inspiration.
Biggest shout out and thanks to @frankarr. Thanks for trusting me.
Think simple. Be social.
Joe Wilcox, at Microsoft eWeek watching Microsoft with an eagle eye, has a strategic "Top 10 List for Microsoft in 2008"
It all boils down to a two-part mantra: Think simple. Be social.
I like it. And many of the other suggestions to. That is, as a mere worker bee in the hive.
Ah, and if Joe is reading this, the Enthusiast Evangelist team are working on No. 6. Thanks for the extra support, dude!