InDesign 2.0

Sandee Cohen is publishing articles on looking at InDesign 2.0 – and more specifically, the differences and how-tos for Quark/PageMaker users.

Sorry about the gap in service there. My current hosting provider had a brain explosion. I’ve now transfered this site to another service. Had to relearn SQL, throw in a few Unix commands, find out what SSH is, understand the syntax of the Apache .htaccess file and reconfigure some PHP. Still gotta fix some stray PHPs left around.

InDesign 2.0 Add Dictionary

InDesign 2.0: Automating Adding Words to the Dictionary

One of the furphies (misstatements, lies, errors) is that a composite PDF cannot hold spot colours. Wrong. InDesign 2.0 and Illustrator 10 change the rules here too somewhat: both can create composite, trapped PDF with transparency. Before these applications, doing this relied on high end, “prepress” systems. Will need to write more about this soon…


The 3DAP (PDF Guidelines for Magazine Advertising Delivery) (Digital Advertising Delivery for Australian Publications) has been updated.

Now this is way Cool.Online Lego. Now I’ll never get anything done at work. At least it won’t be as noisy as the real stuff.

And speaking of coolness in toys, The Propellerheads have announced an updated to Reason. For music makers, this has to be one of the greatest, simplest yet most powerful computer music creation around.