Be your own TV

Video camera, stream up, people watch your life. Obviously, this mechanism of publishing is old as the internet itself – but with bandwidth increasing and alpha-geeks / rock-stars emerging in recent years – we are seeing the new world being born.

The initial years of large company sponsored video-on-the web (think soapflakes sponsors in the 1950s) was followed by soap operas on YouTube (think LonelyGirl15) to reality TV of (think Survivor, without the dramatic editing)

Insert 3D worlds of WoW, SecondLife and the like – we are seeing Snow Crash and True Names appear before our eyes.

How long before is a live-to-web experience?

Microsoft on design; but more than slicing and dicing Photoshop. The big kahuna/picture. More than what it looks initially too.

I am an avid watcher of Google’s EngEd videos (eg: Grid-based Integrated Bioinformatics Systems for High Throughput), and Microsoft’s Channel9 videos (eg: Model driven development in Dynamics AX); these provide a visual perspective on from people who are involved in stuff you may not ever need to know about. But learning is good.

Now waiting for Channel 11 that goes up to 11.

Microsoft has a sense of English Humour

David Brent Management Training videos – of the same ilk as the John Cleese post Fawlty Towers management and sales training films on the 1970s – shows Microsoft UK has a sense of humour.

And way more important, is an English sense of humour.

It is obviously internal only: talking about Microsoft Values – in a very indirect and humourous way. How this leaked I do not know, and I am sure that it breaks a bazillion copyright and internal rules.

I wonder if head office signed off on the content. Somehow, I think this one slipped through the cracks.

A must see!

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