In a strange confluence of the digital universe, two of Australia’s leading internet thinkers: Stilgherrian (Stilgherrian Live) and Cameron Reilly (G’Day World Live); conducted live broadcasts last night.
The round out the seriousness, I broadcast and recorded my second “Stilgherrian’s Understudy” show
Some forwarning. I do swear. I do use technical words. Great music is included, and I do dis my present employer. And I have much to learn with this broadcasting caper; including getting thoughts out clearer. Almost scripted. Thanks to @stilgherrian for the inspiration.
Things for next time:
- Music correctly sequenced at the beginning, and thematic
- Opening sting of some sort
- Don’t drop words, and put thoughts into clear linear thoughts.
- White balance at the beginning
- Animate and vocalise more
- Deliver jokes better
- Determine a mechanism to make it true Q&A (maybe questions beforehand)
- Learn switching process between videos and camera to make smoother
- The recording does something weird at 19:34 when I played the music video