
(attendance: 50 100 people, thanks Cathy for doing a correct count from the back of room!)
Philip Sim, CEO, Media Connect (blog squash) stop here for web 2.0 reality check. hates the word web 2.0. totally polemic to what the web is about, internet; fix bugs. Online news/SNS/blogging/SaaS. None of this stuff is new. A rebirth in pastel veneer.
Darren Niemke, readify. manages professional development. how to capture attention etc from enterprise. dood
Des Walsh, business coach. enjoyment of blogging/social media space. started blogging as another coach as a method of marketing. thinking home business. Post blogging from a business person’s pov. linkedin bloggers. here because of twitter.
Jane O’Connell director products and strategy at ninemsn. how balance content generated by audience vs. professionally?
Michael Platt Director, MS Corporate, WebApp Architecture.
Question 1. do you see the value of blogging? is there a real value
Philip Value of blogging, depending how much time you put into it. blogging is the best form of social networking. business communicating your cred/authority on a particular topic
Darren: access to people within MS; can hear thoughts from people who you not previous have access to. more knowledge, thoughts, opinions. bloggersphere can have conversations. swarm manner, swarms over a problem, solves it, and moves on
Des: connect with people overseas business (books) and other opportunities. People know more about me. small business: lincoln signmaking business; $350k, 10% from blog 2005
Jane: in mass audience; niche, passion, like minded community. MSM, larger issues. Pull out a sentiment. Breaking stories, story after story.
Michael: diary resume, jobs. people look at what people. thousands of MS bloggers to make the company more transparent. we are a bunch of people. a personal view of the company, and feedback to reduce stupid decisions. MS more intouch with customers due to blogging and the two way conversation. Lots more ways to get input from the field and customers/reality.
Question 2:; floods of posts/twitters/feeds/email information mgmt deal with it?
Philip: no time to twitter. sceptical, as its a time sap rather time approval. twitter improve business by 10% will start to twitter
Darren: twitter/facebook/web2 tools as knowledge worker 2.0 use when need to. choose right tools.
Des: sometimes overwhealmed. Bunnings example, choosing the right tools. facebook at the moment. facebook as basic communications tool.
Michael: remember, haven’t got to the end road. focusing in on areas. new tools to find what you want. (nb: go particls). Only begun to scratch the surface of searching. the thing beyond search.
Comment: editor/condenses it, good writers (Stephen Withers)
Question 3: censorship? lowest common denominator
Jane: issues in related to world as a publisher, rather than free for all (exposure) can’t just put everything up there. web provides a platform for lunatics
Michael: problem with people “blog smart”. don’t be stupid. no censorship. sorta works. internal self-jumping. mopping up the little puddles are around. when people leave, then comments/blogging. inter-company issues. find out what happens, lead rather than follow.
Comment4: rodney, blog scooped journalist. Corp blogs as method of gaining the upper hand.
Question 4: journalism vs. bloggers. blogger expert in field vs journalist. responsibility of journalist. where is the line.
Jane: a blog is a stream of conciousness, conversation. “reality tv” contrived. vs. structured, radio, print. role for both. eg: news coverage. local phone cameras, etc. floods, 90 photos submitted from “punters” to roof level: cameramen couldn’t get through. 200,000 people viewed images.
Philip: distinction is not useful: bloggers, professionals vs amateurs. Doing it as a job, certain level of responsibility.
Des: read something from a journalist, no comment button. same in corporate field. workshop with conservative financial company. you are going to get left behind. people have an entitlement to interact with companies. as a consumer, not my responsibility you need comment.
Jane: can figure out what resonates: how do you know? blogging it helps, has feedback
Question 5: is that app you are buidling web 2.0 compatible.
Frank: five people, six definitions
Philip: web 2.0 is about a period in time, not a product. tipping point broadband, privacy changes, advertising.
Darren: “web 2.0 sites” based on name generation. A web2 site can be picked as its exciting. emotional connection. (Phil hurrumph) user experience element (delic8genius now owes frankarr a beer)
Des: business owners can create, make it easier, without great cost, encourage with their customers. more transparency
Jane: stuff that helps you use the web better
Michael: journey we are going online. Web x.0 is silly; a new way of using technology and building it into their lives; social aspect. IP law struggles with the new way of interacting.
Question 6: privacy, journos go to jail for protecting sources; how do you become a anonymous blogger. point at which lunatics and reality.Â
Des: people have a comment anonymously. some people will spend lots of money finding source, depending on how much money you’ve got. Are legal constraints
Philip: myspace/facebook. free business : dirt files, blackmailing them. massive privacy backlast, blackmail as a mechanism of money making (badly)
Question 7: the law and blogging. blogging union
Michael: may see unionisation of blogging. the law, in another country how can you prosecuted for that. lot of changes in the legal system to follow.
Frank: calls it a day, time over.Â