Download the 21Mb update to Parallels (to build 1884)
Boot Windows XP to ensure all is OK before I install Vista. Windows XP “seems” to boot a little faster. Unable to quantify exactly how much.
Backup existing 15Gb Windows XP .hdd, just in case. Create a new 15Gb image to install Vista into.
Pararllels settings:

Install into the fresh 15Gb image, 1024Mb of RAM allocated to image. Vista is marked at (experimental) as OS. Installing onto a MacBook Pro with 2Gb of RAM and MacOS X 10.4.7
- Beta 2 Build 5384 DVD (thanks, Frank Arrigo at Microsoft Australia)
- Started install at 11:05am
- Vista install auto-restarted at 11:35
- Vista install auto-restarted at 11:43am
- Questions (location, time, username) at 11:46am
- Vista install auto-restarted at 11:47am
- Into Vista Beta 2 at 11:50am
- Install Parallels Tools from the Parallels VM menu. Note that these don’t seem to be signed drivers, so ignore all the warnings and install away
- Manual Vista Restart
- On restart, if the “Welcome Center” doesn’t appear, choose it from the Start menu. Click on Add Hardware.
- Vista found network card, and automatically configured network. Also note that Vista also finds “PCI Bridge Device” which I asked Vista to ignore
- Restart; Vista found network card, and automatically configured network. Note that the Network Adaptor settings for the Parallels VM set “Bridged” worked OK
In short, it works. Note that I haven’t stress tested this; and the Parallels guys say its experimental. Beta OS on experimental hypervisor virtualization. Your mileage may actually turn into inchage quickly.

RC1 Note from 8:20pm
You cannot install Vista RC1 on Parallels. Bugger. ISO, DVD burnt or upgrade from Beta 2 to RC1. None of these paths work.
***STOP: 0x000000A5 (0x0001000B, 0x50434146, etc)
“The ACPI Bios in this system is not fully compliant to the specification. Please read the Readme.txt for possible workarounds, or contact your system vendor for an updated bios.”