photo blog experiment

To the right of the front page of is a quick experiment: the Photo Blog Experiment. Now that MMS is working from my Sony-Ericsson phone, I can email to a special process running on this web server. The photo is de-attached and inserted into the database. Within 5 minutes of taking a photo, it is published here. This extends the SMS to blog system I created in 2002.


Newsgator to Mungenetengine via Metaweblog API

To explain the previous post. As I “live” in Outlook 2003, and finding less and less time to browse web sites, I’ve invested in Newsgator. Version 2.0 has this useful “blog” posting feature that was too good to leave alone. There is a plugin mechanism to Newsgator; and I’ve installed one that has a Metaweblog API interface. Writing a PHP and XMLRPC stub on the server, I can now easily post from within Outlook 2003.

RSS implemented on mungenetengine

Thanks for the morning diversion, Chris. The RSS 0.92 Feed feed is now correct.

One of the pleasures of all this travel for Adobe is being able to visit my favourite place in the world – west coast of the North Island of New Zealand. At the beginning of the current roadshow, I took Jane Brady and Tim Cole to Piha and Kare Kare: Tim Cole, Jane Brady and Nick Hodge in New Zealand