
At 8.30am today, mungenetengine had served 10000 unique page views to 1829 unique viewers.

Earlier today I had an idea of a web service that I could implement here. To the right is from this web service on mungenet – the Random Neil Finn Lyric Server. This is implemented as a SOAP service installed on my host, backended by a MySQL database. Including the interface to the database and the SOAP service, it took about 4 hours to complete.

Lynn Grillo on Creating HTML emails with GoLive

I’ve just tried to load mungenet in Netscape 4.7 and realised its very broken. I’ll have to look into how to fix this on the server side. The good news is that things are still cool with the newly released preview of Netscape 7. It looks like we’re back into web browser version number wars.

note to self: WSDL is easy, as long as you name things intelligently and match the code and parameter’s naming conventions


Had a brainwave on the way home. External links are now styled in bold italics underline. This took one change in the code I generate in the PHP, and one additional line in the css. Done. The history and reason for italics is this is what Apple used to denote aliases (Unix: links, Windows: shortcuts) to other files. Links that are just bold italics underline are internal to this site.

Did a strange thing today. Internally, we have an intranet server we call skippy. In Adobe Pacific, we try to theme the naming of our servers around Skippy, the TV show. You know, Clancy, Sonny, Ranger, Waratah! I’ve just taken over the management of this server and installed Adobe GoLive Web Workgroup Server, PHP, MySQL, FileMaker Pro Server, JSP, WebDAV. Basically, anything we might need for the future. Taking the code that runs this web site (see: How the mungenetengine works) and installing it onto this server : I now have a fully dynamic intranet site, based on exactly the same code.

Now its easy to intranet blogging, internal link listing – without having to cut code on a daily basis.


I can insert SOAP content into the HTML stream. This is the mechanism I am going to use to do cross mungenetengine content replication.

Well, after using a SOAP client/server combination in the mungenetengine, I can call the external server asking for a content fragment and insert it into this site. Done. Duration 45 minutes. SOAP (ref: SOAP Spec); is a W3C protocol for client-server communications using XML as the payload format and HTTP as the transport.

The key point is that I can place content in one place (externally, for public view) and have the internal site seem like its ‘replicating’ the content. The way it works is to call a SOAP object requesting a particular mcid from a server; this is inserted this into the client’s HTML stream.


New Mungenet 7 design is implemented for the front page. Last of the work was completed after the completion of the Photoshop 7 Roadshow in Perth, and on the flight back to Sydney. The content pages it going to need a little extra work to get the layers flowing and positioning correctly. Especially keeping Netscape 6 happy.


Added support for object embed style elements; these include SVG and SWF elements pulled from the database. Need to get code working to read the default size for these elements. I attempted to do this with SWFs, but found munging 5-bits to make an number of significant bits in the twips of width and height a little too much like hard work (read to see what I mean!) SVG will be easier; just use an XML parser to read the data out of the stream. If its compressed, decompress.

I am not alone on this PHP journey. wes crusher is doing coding, too