Underdog Blog


Swollenpickles (swollenpickledonions?) rates this blog, and 24 others as “underdog blogs.” The article is positively titled “25 of the lowest ranked top 100 Australian blogs”

What’s more, I loved to watch Underdog on the TV. Now there is a lame-arse Disney movie coming in August. Another of my childhood icons destroyed!

Great way to link link backs and boost yourself above that fateful 75th position, I reckon.

Interestingly, this blog is categorised as “geek stuff”. KTHXBAI

4 thoughts on “Underdog Blog”

  1. “25 of the lowest ranked top 100 Australian blogs”

    haha, what a confusing title. congrats though…you know what they say, all publicity is good publicity, right?!?!

    And as for the Underdog movie…be nice! I think it looks like a really cute kids movie and I’m planning on taking my cousins to see it!!

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