Loving this MacBook Pro

Still the first week (honeymoon period?) with my new MacBook Pro. It has to be the fastest Mac I’ve owned. Usually, the laptops Apple made have been dissappointing in the performance department.

Thanks to Darwin Ports, the MacBook Pro is now loaded with all the equivilent development tools; easily installed and managed.

time to stop bagging

Time to stop bagging Apple over the iTunes Music Store for Australa, and start buying! Yes, iTunes Music store is now open for business in Australia. As I have a spare 3.5Gb on my 40Gb series 3 (so unhip) iPod, time to start the fillin’

MacOS X and Mars

What is Mac OS X? has to be the best technical article describing the lower level aspects of MacOS X I have read in recent times. Next to developer documentation, its a good read for MacOS X experts. The content and style reminds me of a 2.5 days course I created and ran 10 years ago: “Mac Support Expert”

Mars nerds: you can use the same software the scientists are using to visualize the data from the Spirit rover: Maestro. Installed and worked like a treat.