Eight Random Facts About Nick Hodge

Nick at Godley Head, Christchurch 

Following an old meme Stilgherrian and fellow Munge Brother, Uncle Dave Wallace dredged up and tagged me, and Frank Arrigo: god bless his Saint Kilda socks also tagged me. So here’s eight random facts about me.

The rules:

  1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
  2. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
  3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
  4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
  1. I have a penchant for Carry On… movies. The UK of 1950s through to the mid 1970s fascinates me. A country rebuilding itself without Empire, pre-European Union and Mrs Thatcher. The Carry On movies reflect many of the weirdness of the time. Oh, and I also like musicals from the same era.
  2. Born in NSW as a Royal Australian Navy “brat”, I recall listening to planes and helicopters and accepted this existence as normal for all kids. Abruptly moved to country South Australia to live on a farm; lived in a boarding school in Adelaide. After working and finding my soul mate in Adelaide all in 9 years; I moved back to NSW. Been in NSW for nearly 13 years.  Life is circular.
  3. After wearing braces my teeth for 18 months, and losing count how many baby teeth were manually removed: now dentists can work on my teeth unaided by anaesthetics. Congenitally missing a lower molar and do not have any wisdom teeth. My facial nerves are pretty well hosed. However, since Bell’s Palsy I cannot open my mouth wide as it locks up. Yawning is painful.
  4. One of my encounters with Crowded House: In Light Square, Adelaide buying tickets to one of their first, very small concerts. As my friends and I were leaving, the three Crowdies were approaching the club for a sound check. I said “Hello Mark” to Nick Seymour. Paul Hester asked if I had met “Tim Finn?” (as he was looking at Neil). Laughs all around. I felt like such a doofus. (BTW: if you are not getting the humour in this, you are not a Finnatic and I weep for you)
    Update: I was sitting across from Mark Seymour in a Qantas Club in Brisbane. I gathered up the courage to tell him the story here. He LOL’d and thought that it was a funny story. Circle closed 
  5. In January 1993, I went to Macworld San Francisco. My first (well, I did go to the Seybold Conference in 1989 when John Warnock blinked in the font-format wars: and this was on our honeymoon)  Macworld where I connected with Dave Winer. He was showing Frontier off in a room in the Marriott rather than a full stand on the show floor. Here I met Dave, Doug Baron (and Julie) and saw Utah – a UI builder for Frontier that sorta kinda shipped. I may have been one of the alpha testers for a while, too. 3 years later whilst at Apple I created a content management system in Frontier for the Fairfax 1996 Olympics website. Good days, good days.
  6. I dropped out of the South Australian Institute of Technology studying Accounting after about a month of studies. Epic fail. Thankfully, I managed to work hard and complete a higher education journey by completing an MBA. It only took me 10 years. Now I am fully qualified to do what I don’t want to do again. Strange.
  7. After a bad reaction to beer, I haven’t had alcohol since June 2002. Well, apart from a small slip on the back of a pickup truck in Mexico in 2005. Real Mexican tequila tastes excellent. Tequila just may be my weakness.
  8. After leaving school, I was part of a band called Stranger than Fiction. After dropping out of Accounting (See #6 above), I decided that learning Audio engineering may be a good thing to do. Dropping out again after 6 months, as I found Avril. It was way worth it 🙂


Next 8 Victims

  1. http://twitter.com/dswaters
  2. http://twitter.com/rog42
  3. http://twitter.com/ang
  4. http://twitter.com/aeoth
  5. http://twitter.com/willhughes
  6. http://twitter.com/steven_noble
  7. http://twitter.com/fifikins
  8. http://twitter.com/lu_lu 



Achilles Tendinitis.

Cannot walk on right foot as where the tendons attach to the back of the heel is mega inflamed. Doctor says anti-inflammatory drugs, raised leg and warm compress. No walking or stress on the foot.

The kittehs think I am just bone lazy not getting them their fuds, but are liking the warm compress and think this is exclusively for their use.

Good news is that in this modern world of intarwebs and computers, I can work from home. And I will live, too.

Spot the Error

Recent 491 Scam email received at one of email addresses:

During our investigation and auditing in this Bank, my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to one of our deceased customer who died on Feb 29th 2002 of a ghastly motor accident and the fund has been dormant in his account with this bank without any claim of the fund in our Custody either from his family or relation before our discovery to this development. Although personally..

Spot the error?

I To Do Therefore I Am?

Lucy in the Window

Personal organisational skills. I can not has. They left me some time ago.

Microsoft has released some research on the gender differences of To Do lists.

About 70% of people have a To Do list.

20% of males keep their To Do list in their head.

Mine is a combination of email (whatever is still in there needs to be done) and my head (flexible rearrangement) and calendars (so I know where and when I should be)

If I spent my time managing my time I’d have no time to do stuff. And I’ve decided never to be so busy and stressed that I’ve got to have pages full of things to do. Been there, done that. Others are better equipped to deal with myriads of lists of things to do, delegating, measuring and motivating. I do, not to do.

Enjoying life is not cross items off a list. Life is in the doing.

Books, DVDs

Les Carlyon, The Great War. Documenting Australian stories from individual soldiers to the indifferent commanders on the western front of World War I. Excellent 2.5 day read. Highly recommended for lovers of Australian Military History, and a good followup to Les’ previous tome, Gallipoli. It also documents the interference of then journalists Charles Bean and Keith Murdoch in military and political matters. That would never happen today, right?

US version of The Office. Not as tightly written as the extremely original UK version, but a fun watch.

Yes, Prime Minister.

Re-watched Band of Brothers. Always good.

Nemesis, by Max Hastings. I love Hasting’s histories of World War II.

Currently reading Finished The Vietnam Years by Michael Caufield, and the autobiography of Richard Hammond.

Personal and Professional Resolutions for 2008

  1. The home matters.
  2. Weigh less again at the end of 2008. Improve on 2007 results.
  3. Geeks Who Care matters.
    There is something in Cameron Reilly’s initiative. If all this technology does wonderful stuff, and we geeks are the mavens: where are the so-called benefits? Politicans should care less about censorship and control, and more about what they can do to make life better.
  4. Think simple. Be social. Uncomplexify and connect. Use the technology at hand. Find and spread info about the good stuff, ignore and don’t sweat the bad stuff.

Reviewing 2007

Goodbye, and good luck 2007.

Reviewing 2007, there were 4 resolutions/tasks to complete:

  1. Take family back to Japan, this time getting out of Tokyo (geek out in Blade Runner 2007 not 2019)
  2. Weigh less in December 2007 vs now (eat better)
  3. Refind my geek roots
  4. Write more interesting, technical articles on this blog (become less boring)

Point by point in review:

  1. Completed
  2. Lost 7kgs through the year, and as much as 8kgs. Lost 5cm from waist line.
  3. Well, joining Microsoft as a Professional Geek and the incredible journey has been cathartic/eye opening/learning rollercoaster. Loving it
  4. More technical articles. 2007 was about posting. Learning video techniques. Over 5000 on twitter alone. Maybe 2008 will be more geeky/technical?

In hindsight, I’ve loved 2007. The people I’ve met, befriended, worked with, learnt from have saved my mental state: and given me unspoken inspiration.

Biggest shout out and thanks to @frankarr. Thanks for trusting me.