Hello Photosynth, Love from Australia.

I live only 5 minutes away from the most awesome vista in the world: the Sydney Harbour.

Now you can experience the Harbour on a not-so-sunny day (that is, this morning) thanks to Microsoft Photosynth (note: Mac users: we’re working on it. In the current term, you will need to Bootcamp to see Photosynths. The VMWare Fusion guys say that their Beta 2 of Fusion 2.0 works OK with Photosynth)

Photosynth is available for public creation of synths. Grabs some photos of an object or place, and synth them.

For fun, I also added a synth of “Rambo”, The Big Merino from Goulburn, NSW.

The on10.net Shutterspeed episode has an interview with the Photosynth team.