Be your own TV

Video camera, stream up, people watch your life. Obviously, this mechanism of publishing is old as the internet itself – but with bandwidth increasing and alpha-geeks / rock-stars emerging in recent years – we are seeing the new world being born.

The initial years of large company sponsored video-on-the web (think soapflakes sponsors in the 1950s) was followed by soap operas on YouTube (think LonelyGirl15) to reality TV of (think Survivor, without the dramatic editing)

Insert 3D worlds of WoW, SecondLife and the like – we are seeing Snow Crash and True Names appear before our eyes.

How long before is a live-to-web experience?

Hodge Japan Holiday v2.0

Wishing,  Meiji Shrine, Japan

After the success of our holiday to Japan in 2005, and after the accumulation of lots of Qantas Frequent Flyer points, its time to return to Japan. Work holiday, flights, hotels, Shinkansen, JR, Cat sitters, Passports. It’s all happening in July.

This time around, we are adding Kyoto, Hiroshima and Osaka into our Japan experience.

I hope to film at least 2 “The Geek Stories” and be a little more online this trip to get the experience “out there”. First step: Local Live Map

Second Channel 9 Interview: Compiler Geeks

I loved doing this interview: two rock stars in the same room! Thanks to Joel Pobar and John Gough for their time last month.

John Gough is a world-respected expert on Compilers – a sorcerer if you will; and Joel Pobar is one of his “apprentices” who went on to work on the .NET team in Redmond.

If you are into computing history, compilers, multiple processors and other deep technical things: you’ll love this interview.

If you have geek that have a story that needs to be told: I’m there. Any suggestions? All I need is an email!

Eurovision Season is starting

I don’t understand a word of this, but the central tenants of Geek hardware and reproduction are universal:

According to Bruce Satchwell, hardware and radio geek from the Gold Coast, this is an example of a weird European hobby called Amateur Radio Direction Finding.

I wonder if this hobby started like archery in the 11th through 13th century in England? English archers were revered through Europe due to their prowess. This was developed in villages from a young age. Maybe during the Cold War eastern bloc countries had their young radio geeks make RDF devices to stop the Capitalist west airborne intruders? I wonder.