Australia ReMIX08 Redux


Picture: Matt Moran, ABC Commercial, showing off the Silverlight based ABC Online Store


The Twitter hastag ‘#auremix’ was well used, too

And tag “auremix”

Matt Bai, US Political Blogger in Australia


Join Government, business leaders and political bloggers for Australia’s inaugural Politics & Technology Forum, brought to you by Microsoft Australia.

Quick details: Date: 25th June 2008, Time: morning, Location: Hyatt, Canberra

For the first Forum, Microsoft is hosting keynote speaker Matt Bai, author and political writer for New York Times magazine. Matt will address the rise of political movements in the internet age, with a focus on new forms of Information Technology and how they fashion or replicate the political debate and trends.

In the midst of the neverending US Presidential Primary Season, and just prior to the Party Conventions: Matt visits Australia and provides a vision of the future of politics in the age of Hyperconnection.

Seats are complimentary and strictly limited. To reserve your place, RSVP by 11 June 2008 and quote event ticket code‘BAI’.

AURemix08 is Here!

New Silverlight App

Australian ReMIX08 is here! Sydney is first today. Melbourne in two days time.

And the little Quokkas will make a small appearance in the the keynote. Watch closely, or you will miss them!

Follow me on twitter, or the hashtag #auremix for all the news if you are out there in the intarwebs.

If you are attending, ensure you introduce yourself.


May 1968

1968 is the year where the summer of love turned into the year of protest, riots and an escalation in world tension.

World events of 40 years ago seem obscure today. The fear of rising communism, increasing multiculturalism, and general chaos as a new younger generation struggled against older strictures and structures.

Some events seem similar, with names changed: US Presidents squeezed between domestic tension and international ego and guerrilla warfare stagnating into needlessly killing. The Tet Offensive, the pivotal point of the Vietnam war, was fought in 1968.

France during May of 1968 witnessed protests and riots as an authoritarian de Gaulle combated both the left wing movement, and a younger generation demanding radical change.

In the midst of this turbulent month, in this pivotal year, I was born.

Thanks Mum and Dad. I wouldn’t be dead for quids.