Think simple. Be social.

Joe Wilcox, at Microsoft eWeek watching Microsoft with an eagle eye, has a strategic "Top 10 List for Microsoft in 2008"

It all boils down to a two-part mantra: Think simple. Be social.

I like it. And many of the other suggestions to. That is, as a mere worker bee in the hive.

Ah, and if Joe is reading this, the Enthusiast Evangelist team are working on No. 6. Thanks for the extra support, dude!

Bypass the Bureaucracy, Subvert the Hierarchy Comrades!

According to the ABC, semi-autonomous Federal Government agencies must clear their media releases with the Department of Prime Minister before releasing.

Stated Mark Paterson on ABC AM this morning, the secretary of the Department of Innovation, Industry Science and Research:

"The essence of the message was that the Government wanted to ensure a degree of consistency in message on key messages and therefore wanted to clear key messages through the Prime Minister’s office."

Shades of Yes, Minister in the above. What a giggle.

Just blog it, agencies. Bypass the Bureaucracy, Subvert the Hierarchy Comrades!

Project General Melchett: Stage 3

Cooling, cooling, cooling. I have become obsessed with airflow, fans, quietness and CPU temperatures. A cooler CPU and memory, and the faster you can make your PC.

Waiting for some more bits

The first major investment: Zallman CPU Fan replacement. The operation to install this into the CPU case took about an hour. Result: 5-7degC temperature drop in the CPU. The 8″ fan sucks are from the rear, and through copper fins to the front. The air cooling lowers CPU temperature, and therefore raises performance.

Zallman CPU Fan Replacement

At the same time, I invested in 8Gb of Geil RAM. Nothing like having as much RAM as affordable in your new desktop machine. Along with the NVidia 8800GT, it’s a screaming machine. A grunkenstation.

The new desk arrived last weekend, and General Melchett fits neatly into the PC cupboard: hidden in the below picture.

General Melchett Final Setup

The two 22″ Dell LCD monitors fit 10mm underneath the shelf.

Now I am ready to spend the summer basketweaving, testing Windows Vista x64 and other bits that are lying around at Microsoft. And blog about it, too.

Stilgherrian Rattles Their Cages

It is difficult to believe any organisation lives in the mid 20th Century.

Yet, Stilgherrian has found one. Maybe it’s his vet?

There will be a point where us Generation-X-ers start worrying about the future rather than the size of our LCD/Plasma screens. We’ll look to our parents and apologise for our self-centred-ness (whilst underneath blaming the me-generation of the 1970s) In our concern and worries, we’ll realise our kids are highly digitally socialised and our seniors are conversing with them. We’ve missed the boat. We’re in the generational chasm.

If you don’t get it, get Mike’s business to help. They’re not only native, they’re going feral.

Ahh, Christmas. Dontcha just love it? Brings out the Scrooge McDickens in all of us.

The Immersive Conversation

Thinking ahead of the game.

Scoble is leaving PodTech. Doing something else from mid-January 2008.

In his post he talked about live streaming/twittering and the conversation that results from immediate connectivity to an audience.

From Scoble’s post:

Another thing that opened my eyes? The Google Open Social press conference where I had the only video, thanks to and my cell phone (they had asked for me to leave my professional camera in the car — funny that’s a story I’ve heard several times, including on the panel discussion yesterday where Jeff Pulver showed off video he shot on a small pocket camera of the recent Led Zepplin concert. He told the audience that Led Zepplin wants to buy his photos and videos because they were better than the professional ones).

Blogs, Video-Blogs, Podcasts emulate the old media. Push out. Wait for comments (aka letters to the editor). The immediacy is missing. There is too much latency between thought to feedback

Immersive Conversations.

Live-streaming/Live-twittering/Live-full immersion-SecondLife/Live un-meetings of the ilk as discussed on EEL recently is the next step. The technology is here permitting low-cost, high-bandwidth immediate two-way sessions.

In conversations with Cameron Reilly, this is exactly where his mind has been for some months.

The move is on.