Enron, the Emails

Watched “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” last night.

The documentary was not as in-depth as the book: detailing the “mark to market” and “off-balance sheet entities” created by the management of Enron. The impact of the resulting US Law named Sarbanes-Oxley made financial auditors more responsible and powerful within organisations; and personally changed my last 3-4 years at Adobe. Paperwork and legal city.Thanks to technology, you are able to do some filtering through 500,000 of Enron’s emails from 1999 to 2002. (link thanks to Andrew Smith). Just like looking through someone’s trash, there are few diamonds amongst the organisational announcements and spam.

Adobe Mars and Print-ready PDFs

Random question popped into my head whilst having a shower: does Adobe Mars, the new project to represent PDF as a packaged XML format, support PDF’s strong print/prepress heritage.

Things like CMYK, colorspaces, high-dpi images, Postscript fonts, trapping settings (overprint/knockout) and the Crop/Bleed boxes. All those high-tech printing things.

The short answer is yes.

(testing process: InDesign document, export as PDF 1.3, open in Acrobat 8 Professional, Save as “PDF in XML Format” using Mars plugins, re-open, check with Acrobat 8 Advanced>Print Production tools. Open SVG as text)

XML Goo-i-ness Inside

Microsoft pre-released their XAML-in-the-browser technology, WPF/e earlier this week. XAML inside.

XAML “smells” like the W3C’s Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). DOM-inside-a-DOM, Declarative animation, 2D graphics. XAML maybe not SVG, but it certainly tips its hat to SVG.

Adobe today pre-released their XML-in-a-PDF technology, Mars, for Acrobat 8. Essentially, Mars as a technology is presently delivered as plugins for Adobe Reader 8 and Acrobat 8 Professional. You can save an existing ‘binary’ PDF out as a .mars file. These .mars files are like .jar or .war files: manifested, structured ZIP files. Looking inside a description of a page, you have an SVG Tiny 1.2+ (as Adobe state, SVG/FSS0 representation. The specification clearly documents that .mars takes the current concept of PDF, a document format, and extends this as XML.These technologies do not directly intersect: an XML representation of SWF rather than PDF would be closer to XAML. Having cross-platform viewer support for Microsoft’s XPS would be closer to PDF.

I was premature in saying SVG was deprecated.

The Protestant Work Ethic Does’t Work.

In a culture where work can be a religion, burnout is its crisis of faith.

About the technology-centric world in which we live: One has to wonder whether the developments of a high-speed world haven’t made burnout worse.
Another good read is “The Latham Diaries“. Whilst Mark Latham has damaged the Australian Labor Party more than their political opponents, he does detail a personal crisis. The institution that built him in his work life ultimately destroyed him. Yeah, Mark was a bit of a bloke’s bloke in a poisonous profession – but the personal toll led him to leave.

Another quote: happiness equals reality divided by expectations.

I know it is a bit rich coming from someone who is working part-time, at best: but I feel it must be said.

Time does not go backwards. Remember that.

Internetworking with Internode. 97%

Quiet week in the ‘cottage.

Phase 1 of the de-installation of Bigpond as our ISP: Internode, all the way! Added ADSL via Internode: the highest quality Aussie-owned ISP in Australia, to the home network. Once Telstra Wholesale get their act together, the next step is 8Mbit/s. It seems that Telstra has not correctly provisioned their IT for ADSL resellers.

Based on the low quality of cable modem internet in our part of Sydney, 8Mbit/s will match our so-called “up to 17MBit/s” on Bigpond Extreme. This is due to the shared bandwidth nature of cable.

Internode’s backhaul, or throughput to their servers and to the internet the US, is amazing. That’s why they have a 97% referral rate according to CRN.

Also signed on to Nodephone, Internode’s Voice-over-IP service. Plugged in the landline to the Billion Router, and we have low Australian calls. Installed X-Lite on my Mac, and now I have a softphone.

Also took the opportunity to increase the security on our local wireless to WPA. Leaving WEP and MAC layer filters in the past as they are easily cracked. We don’t wish to become the local ISP for the neighborhood.

Yes, my superfund is an investor in T3. But Bigpond’s recent comments as to network control is a major concern: and I am voting with my liquid dollars. Business-wise, I trust that Telstra management grok the new IP/digital world ahead.

So, on the Xmas list: ADSL2+ and Nodephone Direct-in-Dial.

Self, Inc

In July this year, Mike Seyfang, (currently battling short-sighted politicians in South Australia in a medium they don’t understand); welcomed me to “Self, Inc”.

Today I created my first invoice using SQL-Ledger. After some quick learning of LaTeX; and re-learning of basic accounting rules – it’s all go!

On the SQL-Ledger side: it is an Open-source ERP that has an Australian chart-of-accounts (ready for GST and BAS). Written in Perl, which is a little step backwards; the data is stored in Postgres. This bodes well for integration with a future installation of a small CRM.

So, no longer with Adobe and out on my own. The freedom to do what I want is both scary and exciting.

Coming soon: company web site and phone numbers.

Acrobat, Canberra, Microsoft

Having presented for Adobe over the past 8 years, I get a little touchy when someone attacks technical presenters. It’s like being a part of a fraternity. Round up the wagons!

Demonstrating software: the collection of skillz are not taught by Toastmasters. Nor most Presentation Trainers. It is a set of unique techniques, that are generally nutured and passed on from master to trainee; generation to generation.

You need to have your eye and ear on the audience; the setup for the next joke is on your mind; you need to be “on message”, the software needs to be working: and most importantly, what you are showing is getting through. In these days of instant blogging, everything you say is public property.

So, Eric’s comments on the Acrobat 8 roadshow in Canberra are interesting. Mark, the Adobe presenter has responded.

Sometimes to communicate a story, words and phrases are used that may be a little too combative. Yeah, I’ve dissed non-Adobe software vendors in presentations: usually to sell a point or get an emotional response from an audience. This style only works with medium sized audiences. My favourite was playfully dissing Microsoft whilst presenting at Microsoft.
Onto the Facts.

  1. XML does NOT magically equal a smaller file size; in fact the reverse is probably true. In the case of PPT in PDF, the file size benefits of PDF accrue from image compression (including gradients/blends and reused elements). Other benefits are cross-platform packaging (especially typefaces) and security (ensuring people cannot change the presentation)If you were sending a document to people expecting changes, PDF is not the answer.
  2. Outlook PSTs suck in a cross-platform world. And let’s face it; in the future no matter what platform you are on, everything is a legacy platform.I have 6.5Gb of email locked up in PST files containing 6+ years of email history. Searching these involves launching Outlook, loading the PST and doing a slow search. Thank goodness for Google Desktop search if you are a Windows person. You’re stuffed if you spend most of your time outside the mono-culture. Putting emails into a standard published and open file format, say PDF/A, for future reference is something many people care about.
  3. Mark covered this Fact in his blog. There is a law of entropy working here. Once data is squeezed out in PDF, getting back a fully working, semantically rich document is going to be difficult. In the case of Office applications, PDF is not an editable exchange format. The getting data back out of a PDF is best a utility; and included in Acrobat 6, 7 and 8.
  4. Launch Acrobat 6 and compare/contrast the Acrobat 7 and 8 launch times; even the Reader. There is a world of difference even without Windows caching the application in RAM (something you can turn off with a few Registry entries on Windows). Adobe has dramatically improved the launch time from a woeful Acrobat 6 (launch times sucked)

I didn’t attend the Canberra launch; only the morning session of the Sydney Acrobat 8 launch. Splitting the group into two “halves” is a recognition that Acrobat has two large audiences: one creative and the other standard office style users. Canberra has always been a tough demographic to get right audience-wise for Adobe. I agree with Eric: 20 people is not good: the whole tone of the presentation changes with less than 50 people.

Also, in the modern highly connected world – it is my opinion that “Launch” style presentations with too much sales hype are a thing of the past. People need content, and lots of it. Conversations such as blogging post conference are excellent mechanisms of making the content more relevant.

VoIP is probably easier than I thought

  1. Churn to Internode Issue in our household is the nGb/month – not mGb/second. Whilst Internode has yet to install ADSL+ into our exchange, I am happy to wait for ’em, and rid outselves of Bigmuddle/Bigpuddle.
  2. Purchase Nodephone service, and get a “incoming” phone number
  3. Install Asterisk on our Debian server
  4. Install a Softphone, maybe buy an ATA (or just get a Billion router)
  5. Poke hole in Firewall for SIP access, or use IAX.
  6. Configure incoming voicemails, extensions, outgoing call dialplans. All that stuff
  7. Save at least AU$20/month on comm calls with x2 bandwidth