In Like Mike

WW2 Fun emplacement, Godley Head

Uncle Mike talked about this last week: why you tag your photos (cc) and geotag your photos.

Unlike other large corporations who have mis-used (cc) licensed photos, Schmap correctly asked and obtained permission to use one of my photos on their site:

Schmap Christchurch Third Edition: Photo Inclusion

Hi Nick,
I am delighted to let you know that your two submitted photos have been selected for inclusion in the newly released third edition of our Schmap Christchurch Guide:
Godley Head
Godley Head
If you like the guide and have a website, blog or personal page, then please also check out our schmapplets – customizable widgetized versions of our Schmap Christchurch Guide, complete with your published photos:
Thanks so much for letting us include your photos – please enjoy the guide!

Like all pictures, there is a back story, too.

Note: 11th September

(cc) Creative Commons Australia has further discussion

Presentation: AIM 23rd August 2007

Presentation (.pptx) for Australian Institute of Management (AIM) presentation on Web 2.0, eCommerce.

    Just as a note: Download Compatibility Pack for previous versions of Office

    By installing the Compatibility Pack in addition to Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able open, edit, and save files using the file formats new to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007. The Compatibility Pack can also be used in conjunction with the Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003, Excel Viewer 2003, and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to view files saved in these new formats. For more information about the Compatibility Pack, see Knowledge Base article 924074.

    Social Networking: People, not Messages


    What is the Web 2.0 World Saying about you, now?

    I strongly recommend any Marketing/PR person just starting out to download and install Particls: You can use Particls to watch the internet for you. Enter the phrases and words that are your products and brands, and watch the conversation that ensues.

    It is wise to start your online journey by engaging the existing conversations and existing communities, rather than attempting to start your own lonely blog and talk to noone.


    Social Networking use by Marketing/PR

    Social network using MySpace/Facebook/MSN Live/Linkedin/Bebo etc etc etc is a perfect mechanism for creating a community; and more importantly: staying connected.

    Note that people are largely engaged in these communities for personal social reasons, not to have a product shoved down their throat. The rule of authentic voice applies.


    SecondLife use by Marketing/PR:

    Know who and where of your audience. Despite heavy hype in the traditional media, the number of people logged in to SecondLife always seems low. (25000 to 40000)

    There is something enticing about a completely immersive 3D world, where in a dream-like state you can fly anywhere and build anything. It demos well, and the allure of “instant millions” attracted a certain “type” of initial user.

    The web was like this in 1994/5. Not much out there, much hype and a limited few had the hardware and ‘bandwidth’ to participate. I would highly recommend doing deep research prior to significant investment.

    Fully immersive worlds such as World-of-Warcraft (note: you probably cannot market here) are very successful; and the future of end-user generated immersive worlds is large.


    Twitter use by Marketing/PR:

    @Froosh expressed it best: Twitter is micro-blogging: thoughts in 140 characters. It is also more instant. What is happening now.  An organisation’s existing blog strategy should also cover Twitter.

    Running 2 bots ( and and an event alias ( my assessment is that Twitterers are looking for real people, not chat bots at the other end of the line. Twitterspam such as “go visit this link” and the like causes mass unsubscribes. “Our product x is now shipping” the same.

    What the Twitter-verse is looking for is the instant human reaction and feeling from events that precedes the formal cycle.

    So, just Twittering to get a “message through” or hype a product/event does not work. What is needed is an authentic, honest voice of a real person. It is part of your Word-of-mouth, viral strategy.


    In a Write/ReWrite/Read Web, People matter. Not Messages

    How the New Particls Sidebar Changed my Life

    I think Particls just changed my life. I’ve replaced my Microsoft Windows Vista Sidebar with this new version of Particls. Having Particls watch the web for me keeps me on-the-ball, more than caffeine. Well, almost.

    Having interviewed Chris and Ashley from Particls, and visited their lair in Brisvegas, I knew these guys where onto something.

    Upon returning from my 2 weeks off work on holiday, I had a couple of thousand feed items all demanding my instant attention. Holidays are a mechanism for adjusting your personal APML. Along with two cats and a bag full of washing: it was difficult to prioritize what was/was not important.

    Chris Saad let me into their secret: a new Sidebar-focused version of Particls

    Feeding the mountain through Particls, the important stuff popped onto the top.

    Living my working life online in the intarwebs, it is way too easy to lose those nuggets and jewels in the streams and tubes.

    Why turn off the Vista Sidebar? On my laptop, screen real-estate is precious, and what is most important needs to be flowing in front of me to grab my attention. My eyes move focus to movement (think hunter, not gatherer) – and with Particls ‘moving’ items as they flow in, it grabs my attention.

    Gadgets that I have used in Vista have been static information; or at least something that I am happy to view once per hour or so.

    So, these static pieces of information can stay in Internet Explorer as favourites, Windows Live, and therefore in online services.

    Particls is no gadget. It is now a must-have desktop application with the screen space it deserves.

    Technorati Tags:

    Neil Finn Lyric Server goes Mashup


    The Microsoft PopFly alpha can make you lose three days. In a good way. I haven’t had so much fun since, well, Photoshop maybe.

    I’ve created a public PopFly “Block” called NeilFinnLyrics (now shared) this is bare, bare bones. It simply uses the new REST interface to the Random Neil Finn Lyric Server.  The Lyric Server supports SOAP/WSDL, and normal image insertion.

    PopFly is social programming: drag and drop blocks onto the page, and create your own mashups of data. Adding Neil Finn’s Lyrics to the data that can be mashed up is just another step in getting the words out there. My love for Neil Finn knows almost no bounds.

    neilfinnatic 004

    Writing a Block with the current Alpha requires knowledge of JavaScript and XML. And a little bit of patience.

    Come have a chat at ReMIX to discuss where you may also profit from PopFly. The first thing that should be created is a branded PopFly Superannuation Block. Thoughts?

    Asserting Diplomatic Immunity in Subverting the Microsoft Hierarchy

    After a series of presentations I gave to Principals of Victorian schools, I had described my role at Microsoft as a digital diplomat. This perfectly describes a part of my job as a bridge between the digital immigrants and digital natives. (Prensky, Marc: 2001)

    Digital Diplomat

    Now Frank Arrigo, my manager, has entered that into the internal Microsoft address/HR system as my title. What a laugh!

    I wonder if I can claim diplomatic immunity when I go feral?

    additional: … maybe not as feral as David Lemphers!

    Jamming WebGeeks in for WebJam

    auwebjamjun07 001 being down forced Sydney’s web geeks to get together. My first WebJam, and it r0x0red. Needed more cash to purchase the t-shirt. Sorry, ’bout that.

    Andrew Muller from on the night.

    Stephen Collins on WebJam 3

    GO WEBJAM Melbourne!

    So, my rough notes from the night:

    • Bigbrother voting style on SMS with live results on screen
    • shout out to funkycoda, scenariogirl, rails t-shirt geeks, mick from tangler
    • Woohoo in crowd for everyone’s favourite web 2.0 in au
    • Adobe funded drinks went in 20mins (thanks Claire)
    • More geekier people than web 2.0, but more “off” than “on” (as Mossyblog said, down-tools time)
    • WebFS the world
    • Mossyblog heckled by rubber chicken lovers at rear of audience
    • acidlabs; revolution social computing nice. Hello, Stephen.  I agree: web2.0 cultural change in corporations is going to be really interesting
    • singlebutton de-thetan machine was my second favourite
    • Silk Charm attended and started a new un-industry association, with goblins hodge and lachlan (first of three lachlans) as mascots.
    •  rails vs python in the crowd. I am a pythonic.
    • reactive dot net 2 global corporate challenge flash google maps dot net 2 my favourite as it mashed everything together, web2-style.
    • spice web2 geek dance. waiting for the <video> **winner**
    • vjloops logo flash director loopz for videos. Nothing wrong with AfterEffects, however many tools reach the same ends.
    • “and you can podcast it”
    • ai bot module for ecommerce sites. ask a question rather than clicking through
    • spaulds rockin’ demo. well trained by Mark Szulc.
    • Yes, Prime Minister: viral marketing from It appealed to my inner 14 year old.

    auwebjamjun07 004

      auwebjamjun07 003

    (heads down, pplz voting)

    leslienassar and I had a great chat in SCRLTT on the way home

    auwebjamjun07 013

    The view down King Street at night:

    auwebjamjun07 005

    Welcome to 33% Wallflowers of Web 2.0 in Australia

    auweb2 001

    (none of the above are wallflowers!)

    Other comments:

    As people subscribed to my feed experienced, I attended the Web 2.0 Futures Conference hosted by Ross Dawson at KPMG today.

    Ross recently wrote an article for Read/Write web on the Top 60 Web 2.0 applications in Australia.

    My random, assumptive breakdown of the audience of about 140 people:

    • 10% < 25 years old, 80% gen-x, 10% baby boomers
    • <20% female
    • 45% of men in suits, 15% wearing ties
    • 33% had money, 33% had ideas but no money, and the last 33% of us were wallflowers watching the first 66% in a subtle dance.

    I met my first Web 2.0 celebrity (not including Microsoft’s Jeff Sandquist; but that’s being a little twee) – Richard MacManus of Read/Write Web. I have a feeling he’s enjoying the latter slightly more than the former part of his blog (ie: more writing than reading)

    The first part of the day involved an interesting discussion on what is Web 2.0, and what is Australia? Is the notion of borders relevant, anyway? My assessment is that language and/or culture are greater than timezones and borders. The “digital natives” see borders in different ways than previous generations.

    Being that there were many VC’s in the audience, and many people wanting their startup funded: the discussion around revenue models was also quickly covered.

    The highlight of the day were the 5 minute demonstrations from the following Australian Web 2.0 companies:

    Shout out hi to Bronwen of, Lachlan “Hot Geek” Hardy.

    Follow the Eyeballs. And the Money.

    Breakfast Bytes

    At the Hill and KnowltonSurviving and thriving in the next decade – Technology PublishingBreakfast Bytes this morning, a group of eminent panelists in picture above, from the left:

    • James Tuckerman – Publishing Editor, AntHill. New relatively magazine about ideas, money and skills. Previously more print than online, but adding new online projects later in 2007.
    • Heather Craven – Director of Marketing & Communications, Circulations Audit Board,
      Australian Circulation Bureau. Sub-committee researching digital.
    • Brian Haverty – Editorial Director, CNET Networks Australia : Readers first, video and text style publishing.
    • Tony Sarno – Editor, APC. Adding new online APC projects later in 2007.
    • Peter Roberts – Managing Editor, BRW. Part of the Fairfax group, around since 1857. Noted that relaunched this week, and closed content model AFR Access continues.
    • Andrew Kirk, Hill and Knowlton: Chair

    The theme from the morning’s panel and Q&A is that “there will be a mixture of online and print” and that “online and print” readers are treated as different readers by the big-names. My perspective as a corporate online/citizen journalist is slightly different.

    Like the quintessential investigative journalists: Woodward and Bernstein learnt: follow the money. In the above listing of panelists, notice where their stated investment is going. It’s online.

    From a traditional publisher’s perspective, the business is about employing journalists to gather hidden facts, connect, analyse and write stories. People buy the paper (atoms) to read the stories and maybe their eyeballs will stray onto an advertisement. The marketing groups of companies buy these positions on the paper in the hope that the right eyeballs are enthralled by the product and/or service – and buy the product. The core of a publisher’s job is managing the compelling content such that a specific audience is created that advertisers value.

    The web is no different, except that anyone can be a publisher, and outsource the revenue side (advertising) to Microsoft or Google. Large publishers, such as Fairfax, are unhappy that their expensive infrastructure is subverted online: Peter Roberts mentioned twice that Google made $200 million in Australia without investing in the content-side.

    Peter Roberts also commented on one of his competitors, Alan Kohler’s Eureka Report, having only an online mechanism but successful business model. My perspective is that Alan’s business is successful as he is seen as a respected and independent entity within Australia’s financial community. Alan Kohler is a trusted brand.

    The Gadget Guy, Peter Blasina’s question near the end summarised the morning for me: What does the future really look like? Each of the represented panelist’s organisations (maybe with the exception of cnet) have their business strategies weighted toward print, and the brand-value that print brings.

    Peter Blasina comes at this with credibility as a true multi-channel brand and personality: print, online and TV – and surmised that the coming generation will change the face of the print publisher’s world. And they know it.

    The future for publishers is where the eyeballs are. And eyeballs are not going to be in print, it is going to be online. Eyeballs stay longer where this is trusted value, and most importantly where there is a community. Reading a magazine is an almost high-latency feedback medium; where two-way interaction is slow if attempted at all.

    Demographics of the eyeballs are changing to more online: younger readers being digitally native and older generations having more time to explore online; with more females than males desiring a community and interaction rather than passive acceptance; high bandwidth connection to permit TV, Radio and Print being equal online mediums.

    Whilst I have no research to back this up, I am going to state it here. A common refrain from print publishers is that “Radio did not replace newspapers, and TV did not replace radio” as their backwards looking perspective on why online will not replace these old media. My argument is that the internet can replace the media styles: with web pages, podcasts and vidcasts. As Rupert Murdoch is quoted as saying: “Big media no longer controls the conversation” 

    James Tuckerman knows his readers, and I think has a plan to create value in Anthill’s community. He understands the emotional connection that he has with his readership. James also stated there are “population lumps” at birth-years of 1949, 1974 and 1985. According to the ABS, there is another population lump in the 2005-7 range too. My suggestion is to watch Anthill as a publisher. They are starting a conversation with their community.

    A Question about SecondLife, the current “craze” in Australia potentially due to a visit in meatspace by a Linden Labs persona, resulted in Tony Sarno saying that “many PBL management have visited SecondLife”. I fear it is because of the gambling dens rather than the community aspect. About 20% of the audience of largely PR and technology industry attendees had logged into SecondLife, of which most had logged in once.

    So, in industry parlance, what is the tip-on for online? It’s the community. Community is the new Brand.

    Technorati Tags: ,

    Notes: Mount Gravatt ICT Day April 2007

    mount gravatt, 7:30am

    1. Web 2.0: needs extra work to map to teaching outcomes (, flickr) Many Web 2.0 sites still blocked by policy. It makes it difficult to use all the cool web 2.0 stuff in school, especially when these tools will be used by the students for project delivery. Think a mashup as a project handin. (cool!)
    2. If multiple-media submission types (Powerpoint, video, web sites) are required for presentation: how do we present? Making the technology easier is key; and the students have more advanced Quicktime, FlashPlayer, WMV, Powerpoint than on the standard, locked down desktops. Secondly, as SVGA style connections to projectors in the room.
    3. Web job opportunities mapped to ICT. What sort of jobs exist for students in a web-world? Art teachers > design, for instance
    4. 90+% of Yr10s have IM address; 80+% communicate with people outside Australia! Can only think this is based either on family or friends overseas with similar interests
    5. Managing the balance between ICT evangelism vs. Microsoft demo-stuff.  Showing cool stuff is cool. Consider that video cabling and audio may not suit in all circumstances.
    6. Key guidance from Sean Tierney critical. 20 minute chunking important; just like adult learning.
    7. Surprised many teachers how few people it took at Castlemaine XXXX to make beer, how automated the process is. Can a bunch of teachers organise a p*ss-up in a brewery? (yes, if timetable permits)
    8. Mount Gravatt High: Im in ur your Wikipedia pages.